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 BEAVER(1)                      X Version 11                       BEAVER(1)
                              February 16, 2001

      beaver - an advanced editor based on GTK+ libraries.

      beaver [OPTIONS] [filename(s)]

      This manual page documents briefly the beaver commands.  This manual
      page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the
      original program does not have a manual page.

      beaver is an Early AdVanced EditoR

      A summary of options is included below.

      --help, -?
           Show this help message.

           Display brief usage message.

           Gdk debugging flags to set.

           Gdk debugging flags to unset.

           X display to use.

           Make X calls synchronous.

           Don't use X shared memory extension.

           Program name as used by the window manager.

           Program class as used by the window manager.

                                    - 1 -       Formatted:  October 22, 2024

 BEAVER(1)                      X Version 11                       BEAVER(1)
                              February 16, 2001

           Gtk+ debugging flags to set.

           Gtk+ debugging flags to unset.

           Make all warnings fatal.

           Load an additional Gtk module.

           Show the the path of beaver API header file.

           Show version of program.

           Configuration file used for syntax highlighting, automatic
           completion, etc. It is 100% compatible with UltraEdit
           wordfile.txt's and you can download other wordfile.txt's
           supporting tons of other languages at

           Other files.

      This manual page was written by Ramakrishnan M <>, for
      the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

                                    - 2 -       Formatted:  October 22, 2024