packages icon

 xlHtml(1)                         xlHtml                          xlHtml(1)
                              January 14, 2001

      xlHtml - A program for converting Microsoft Excel Files .xls

      xlHtml [-nc][-a]

      This manual page explains the xlHtml program. The program xlHtml is
      used to convert Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet files into either html or
      tab delimitted ASCII. The program can be interfaced with helper
      scripts for viewing email attachments. Most use of this program is
      through the helper scripts and one would probably rarely resort to
      using the commandline interface.

      -nc  tells it not to colorize the output.

      -a   aggressively optimize html by removing </TR> </TD> or
           VALIGN="bottom" Some older browsers may not display properly in
           this mode.

      -fw  suppress formula warnings about accuracy

      -bc  Override the background color. e.g. -bg808080     for gray

      -tc  Override the text color. e.g. -tcFF0000     for red

      -bi  Use background image. e.g. -bi/home/httpd/icon/tar.gif

      -c   Centers the tables horizontally

      -te  Trims empty rows & columns at the edges of a worksheet

      -v   Prints program version

      -m   No encoding for multibyte

      -asc Ascii out of -dp and extraction data (-x?)

      -dp  Dump page count and max columns and rows per page

      -xp  Page for extraction (zero based)

      -xc  Columns (separated by a dash) for extraction (zero based)

      -xr  Rows (separated by a dash) to be extracted (zero based)

           An example of the extraction command line is: xlHtml -fw -asc

                                    - 1 -      Formatted:  February 28, 2025

 xlHtml(1)                         xlHtml                          xlHtml(1)
                              January 14, 2001

           -xp:0 -xr:2-6 -xc:0-1 Test.xls

           The extraction output is: Formatted output of cells by column
           left to right, columns separated by a tab, end of row is: 0x0A,
           end of file:

      To interface to Netscape Navigator: first locate the help scripts
      nsxlview & nsopen. Go into the Edit Preferences dialog box. Click on
      the Navigator Category and hilight the Applications menu item. Look
      for Microsoft Excel Worksheet. If you don't see it create one. The
      MIME type should be:  application/  The suffixes should
      be: xls,xlt,xlm,xld,xla,xlc,xlw,xll  In the handled by section of the
      dialog box, check the Application checkbox and set the path to
      wherever the nsxlview helper script is located and pass a %s argument.
      For example, if nsxlview is located in /usr/local/bin, then you would

      /usr/local/bin/nsxlview %s

      in the Application path box.. (As a side note, make sure the nsxlview
      script can find the xlHtml program or it won't work.)  Click on the OK
      and you are done. You should be able to use the Test.xls file that is
      distributed with the program to verify its configured correctly.

      Steve Grubb

                                    - 2 -      Formatted:  February 28, 2025