whichman(1) Search utilities whichman(1) April 1998 NAME whichman - show the location of a man page using a fault tolerant approximate matching algorithm SYNOPSIS whichman [-#ehIp][-t#] man-page-name DESCRIPTION whichman is a "which" alike search command for man pages. whichman searches the MANPATH environment variable. Unlike "which" this program does not stop on the first match. The name should probably have been something like whereman as this is not a "which" at all. whichman shows all man-pages that match and allows you to identify the different sections to which the pages belong. whichman can handle international manpage path names for different languages. Man pages in different languages may be stored in .../man/<country_code>/man[1-9]/... By default, whichman does fault tolerant approximate string matching. With a default tolerance level of: (strlen(searchpattern) - number of wildcards)/6 + 1 OPTIONS -h Prints a little help/usage information. -I Do case sensitive search (default is case in-sensitive) -e Use exact matching when searching for a given man-page and the wildcards * and ? are disabled. -p print the actual tolerance level in front of the man page name. -# or -t# Set the fault tolerance level to #. The fault tolerance level is a integer # in the range 0-255. It specifies the maximum number of errors permitted in finding the approximate match. A tolerance_level of zero allows exact matches only but does NOT disable the wildcards * and ?. The search key may contain the wildcards * and ? (but see -e option): '*' any arbitrary number of character '?' one character The last argument to whichman is not parsed for options as the program needs at least one man-page-name argument. This means that whichman -x will not complain about a wrong option but search for the man-page named -x. - 1 - Formatted: February 16, 2025 whichman(1) Search utilities whichman(1) April 1998 EXAMPLE whichman print This will e.g. find the man-pages: /usr/man/man1/printf.1.gz /usr/man/man3/printf.3.gz /usr/man/man3/rint.3.gz BUGS The wildcards '?' and '*' can not be escaped. These characters function always as wildcards. This is however not a big problem since there is hardly any man-page that has these characters in its name. AUTHOR Guido Socher (guido@linuxfocus.org) SEE ALSO ftff(1) man(1) - 2 - Formatted: February 16, 2025