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 REX(1)                GMD-Forschungsstelle-Karlsruhe                 REX(1)

      rex - generator of lexical analysers

      rex [ -options ] [ -ldir ] [ file ]

      Rex generates programs to be used in lexical analysis of text. A
      typical application is the generation of scanners for compilers. The
      input file contains regular expressions to be searched for, and
      actions written in C or Modula-2 to be executed when strings according
      to the expressions are found.  Unrecognized portions of the input are
      copied to standard output.  To be able to recognize tokens depending
      on their context, Rex provides start states to handle left context and
      the right context can be specified by an additional regular
      expression.  If several regular expressions match the input
      characters, the longest match is preferred. If there are still several
      possibilities, the regular expression given first in the specification
      is chosen.

      Rex generated scanners automatically provide the line and column
      position of each token. For languages like Pascal and Ada where the
      case of letters is insignificant tokens can be normalized to lower or
      upper case. There are predefined rules to skip white space like
      blanks, tabs, or newlines and there is a mechanism to handle include
      files.  The generated scanners are table-driven deterministic finite

      a    generate all (= sdm)

      m    generate a lexical analyser in Modula-2 (default)

      c    generate a lexical analyser in C

      d    generate a definition module for the lexical analyser

      s    generate support modules:
           - a source module for input
           - a main program to be used as test driver

      r    reduce the number of generated case/switch labels. Might be
           necessary due to compiler restrictions. Effects: slower scanner
           (2-4%), larger tables, same scanner size.

      i    use ISO 8 bit code (default: ASCII 7 bit code)

      o    optimize table size
           Effects: slower scanner (0-15%), small tables, long generation
           time (factor 1-10)

                                    - 1 -     Formatted:  September 18, 2024

 REX(1)                GMD-Forschungsstelle-Karlsruhe                 REX(1)

      n    do not optimize table size
           Effects: fast scanner, large tables (factor 1-10), short
           generation time

           default: improve table size
           Effects: slower scanner (0-5%), medium size tables (factor 1-2),
           medium generation time (factor 1-2)

      w    suppress warnings

      g    generate # line directives

      b    do not partition charcater set into blocks

      1    print statistics about the generated lexical analyser

      ldir dir is the directory where Rex finds its table and data files

      if output is in C:

      <Scanner>.h         specification of the generated scanner
      <Scanner>.c         body of the generated scanner
      <Scanner>Source.h   specification of support module source
      <Scanner>Source.c   body of support module source
      <Scanner>Drv.c      main program to serve as test driver
      if output is in Modula-2:

      <Scanner>.md        definition module of the generated scanner
      <Scanner>.mi        implementation module of the generated scanner
      <Scanner>  definition module of support module source
      <Scanner>Source.mi  implementation module of support module source
      <Scanner>Drv.mi     main program to serve as test driver
      <Scanner>.Tab       tables to control the generated scanner

      J. Grosch: "Rex - A Scanner Generator", GMD Forschungsstelle an der
      Universitaet Karlsruhe, Compiler Generation Report No. 5, 1987
      J. Grosch: "Efficient Generation of Lexical Analysers", Software -
      Practice & Experience, 19 (11), 1089-1103, Nov. 1989

                                    - 2 -     Formatted:  September 18, 2024