packages icon
$Header: /cvsroot/unac/unac/README,v 1.3 2001/07/19 08:22:12 loic Exp $

What is it ?

unac is a C library and command that removes accents from a string.
For instance the string été will become ete.  It provides a command
line interface that removes accents from a input flow or a string
given in argument (unaccent command). In the library function and the
command, the charset of the input is specified as an argument. The
input is converted to UTF-16 using iconv(3), accents are stripped and
the result is converted back to the original charset. The iconv --list
command on GNU/Linux will show all charset supported.

Where is the documentation ?

The manual page of the unaccent command : man unaccent.
The manual page of the unac library : man unac.

How to install it ?

For OS that are not GNU/Linux we recommend to use the iconv library
provided by Bruno Haible <> at Under
Solaris-2.6 the native iconv library is not able to convert from
ISO-8859-1 to UTF-16 directly, it must do ISO-8859-1 -> UTF-8 ->
UTF-16 and vice versa.

./configure [--with-iconv=/my/local]

make all

make check

make install

How to link with unac ?

Assuming you've installed unac in the /usr/local directory use something 
similar to the following:

In the sources:
#include <unac.h>

On the command line:

cc -I/usr/local/include -o prog -L/usr/local/lib -lunac 

Where can I download it ?
The main distribution site is

Loic Dachary