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    Copyright (C) 2001-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    Copyright (C) 2001-2021,2023-2024 g10 Code GmbH

    This is a general purpose IPC library which is for example used
    GnuPG, GPGME and some other software.

    See COPYING.LIB on how to share, modify and distribute the
    software itself (LGPLv2.1+) and COPYING for the documentation

    Please send bug report to the gnupg-devel mailing list or enter
    them into the gnupg bug tracker at using the
    tag "libassuan".

    The primary FTP site is


    See the file AUTHORS.

    Commercial grade support for Libassuan and GnuPG is available; for
    a listing of offers see .
    Maintaining and improving this software is costly.  Since 2001,
    g10 Code GmbH, a German company owned and headed by GnuPG's
    principal author Werner Koch, is bearing the majority of these
    costs.  To help them carry on this work, they need your support.
    See .