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Development/Libraries Category

Programming libraries written in various languages that usually linked into larger applications.

Package Name Description
CU- package is the base for the Arachne project
ComboBox-1.32An update of the Interleaf ComboBox widget
GdkMagick-0.5.1A library which integrates ImageMagick and GDK
GeoIP-1.4.8Library to find geographical and network info of an IP
GeoIP-1.6.11Library to find geographical and network info of an IP
GeoIP-1.6.12Library to find geographical and network info of an IP
Ilib-1.1.7A library to read create and save images
LiteClue-1.0.0A widget with a one line help message
MM-1.1.3A 2-layer abstraction library
Mesa-7.4.4A 3D graphics library with an API similar to OpenGL
SDL-1.2.15A free cross-platform multi media development API
SDLSprite-1.2bA library for handling sprites easily
SDL_image-1.2.12Sample Image Loading Library for SDL programmers
SDL_image-1.2.8Sample Image Loading Library for SDL programmers
SDL_mixer-1.2.12A simple multi-channel audio mixer
SDL_ttf-2.0.11SDL TrueType font support library
TabBook-1.0.0A Motif manager widget similar to XmNotebook
XmAxy-0.0.1Motif library containing List and Notebook widgets
apr-1.5.0Apache Portable Runtime library
apr-1.5.2Apache Portable Runtime library
apr-1.7.0Apache Portable Runtime library
apr-1.7.5Apache Portable Runtime library
apr_util-1.5.3Additional routines for the Apache Portable Runtime library
apr_util-1.5.4Additional routines for the Apache Portable Runtime library
apr_util-1.6.1Additional routines for the Apache Portable Runtime library
apr_util-1.6.3Additional routines for the Apache Portable Runtime library
babit-1.6Balanced Binary Tree implementation in C
babl-0.1.10A dynamic any-to-any pixel format translation library
boost-1.44.0Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
cdk-4.9.11A useful curses development kit
cdk-5.0.20250116A useful curses development kit
freetype-2.10.4Free font engine for TrueType fonts
freetype-2.13.3Free font engine for TrueType fonts
freetype-2.5.2Free font engine for TrueType fonts
gdlibs-0.1.2The widget helper library for geedot
gegl-0.2.0GEneric Graphics Library image processing framework
glui-2.0A GLUT based C++ user interface library
gsl-1.16The GNU Scientific Library
gsl-2.4The GNU Scientific Library
gsl-2.6The GNU Scientific Library
gsl-2.8The GNU Scientific Library
gsoap-2.8.13Client and server Web service toolkit
gsoap-2.8.136Client and server Web service toolkit
gsoap-2.8.17Client and server Web service toolkit
gtk_shige-971217A root window widget implementation
gtkwaveform-0.2.2A robust object collection library
gxdialog-0.9bConvenience dialogs for use in gtk apps
hdf5-1.14.5Hierarchical Data Format
hdf5-1.9.50Hierarchical Data Format
hp_dlfcn-1.0The dlopen family compatibility library
ijs-0.35Protocol library for the transmission of raster page images
imlib2-1.12.3Image handling library
imlib2-1.4.4Image handling library
jasper-1.900.1JPEG 2000 image handling library
jasper-1.900.29JPEG 2000 image handling library
json_c-0.18A JSON implementation in C
ldns-1.6.16DNS programming library
ldns-1.7.0DNS programming library
ldns-1.7.1DNS programming library
ldns-1.8.4DNS programming library
lib3ds-1.2.0A clone of the Autodesk 3DS File Toolkit
lib3ds-1.3.0A clone of the Autodesk 3DS File Toolkit
libaltpw-1.0.1Add alternate password support dynamically
libao-1.1.0Cross-platform audio library providing a simple API
libao-1.2.0Cross-platform audio library providing a simple API
libarchive-3.3.1Multi-format archive and compression library
libarchive-3.4.3Multi-format archive and compression library
libarchive-3.7.7Multi-format archive and compression library
libassuan-2.1.1Library to interact with a non-persistent server
libassuan-2.4.3Library to interact with a non-persistent server
libassuan-2.5.4Library to interact with a non-persistent server
libassuan-3.0.1Library to interact with a non-persistent server
libcroco-0.6.13A CSS2 parsing and manipulation library
libcroco-0.6.8A CSS2 parsing and manipulation library
libdict-1.0A library of data structures for key-data pairs
libds-1.5.4LibDS is a library to provide data structures
libevent-2.0.21Programmers library to handle specific events
libevent-2.1.12Programmers library to handle specific events
libevent-2.1.8Programmers library to handle specific events
libffi-3.0.13High level interface library for calling conventions
libffi-3.2.1High level interface library for calling conventions
libffi-3.4.5High level interface library for calling conventions
libgd-2.1.0A graphics library for creating GIF and PNG files
libgd-2.1.1A graphics library for creating GIF and PNG files
libgd-2.3.0A graphics library for creating GIF and PNG files
libgd-2.3.3A graphics library for creating GIF and PNG files
libgsf-1.14.29Libgsf - GNOME structured file library
libgsf-1.14.41Libgsf - GNOME structured file library
libgsf-1.14.46A GNOME structured file library
libiconv-1.14A character set conversion library
libiconv-1.15A character set conversion library
libiconv-1.16A character set conversion library
libiconv-1.18A character set conversion library
libkate-0.4.1A library for encoding and decoding Kate bitstreams
libksba-1.2.0Library for creating X509 certificates
libksba-1.4.0Library for creating X509 certificates
libksba-1.6.7Library for creating X509 certificates
liblist-2.4A C library for double linked lists
liblzf-3.6A very small data compression library
libmad-0.15.1bA high quality MPEG decoder
libmcrypt-2.5.8A thread-safe encryption library
libmng-1.0.10The Multiple image network graphic library
libmng-2.0.3The Multiple image network graphic library
libnet-1.1.6A collection of routines
libogg-1.3.1Ogg bitstream format library
libogg-1.3.2Ogg bitstream format library
libogg-1.3.4Ogg bitstream format library
libogg-1.3.5Ogg bitstream format library
liboop-1.0Low level event loop management library
liboop-1.0.1Low level event loop management library
librep-0.14An implementation of Lisp dialect
librsvg-2.40.1A high performance SVG rendering library
librsvg-2.40.18A high performance SVG rendering library
librsvg-2.40.21A high performance SVG rendering library
libslack-0.4A library of general utilities for UNIX
libssh2-1.11.1A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libssh2-1.9.0A library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libtasn1-3.4Library to manage Abstract Syntax Notation One structures
libtasn1-4.12Library to manage Abstract Syntax Notation One structures
libtasn1-4.16.0Library to manage Abstract Syntax Notation One structures
libtasn1-4.19.0Library to manage Abstract Syntax Notation One structures
libtcp++-0.1.1TCP/IP client-server C++ class library
libtrash-0.2Cleaning library
libunistring-0.9.10Unicode and C string manipulation library
libunistring-0.9.3Unicode and C string manipulation library
libunistring-1.1Unicode and C string manipulation library
libunistring-1.3Unicode and C string manipulation library
libutf8-0.8This library provides extended locale support
libuv-1.44.2Cross-platform asynchronous I/O library
libvorbis-1.3.3General purpose audio and music encoding library
libvorbis-1.3.5General purpose audio and music encoding library
libvorbis-1.3.7General purpose audio and music encoding library
metakit- structured database that fits in the palm of your hand
minidom-0.1.2A minimal implementation of the DOM
movingmotif-2.1A new widget library for Motif programmers
mpr-2.2A memory allocation profiler for C and C++ programs
neon-0.30.0An HTTP and WebDAV client library
neon-0.30.2An HTTP and WebDAV client library
neon-0.31.2An HTTP and WebDAV client library
neon-0.33.0An HTTP and WebDAV client library
nettle-2.7.1A low-level cryptographic library
nettle-3.10.1A low-level cryptographic library
nettle-3.6A low-level cryptographic library
npth-1.5A library providing the GNU Pth API
npth-1.6A library providing the GNU Pth API
npth-1.8A library providing the GNU Pth API
nspr-4.10.2Netscape Portable Runtime libraries
nspr-4.15Netscape Portable Runtime libraries
nspr-4.19Netscape Portable Runtime libraries
nspr-4.33Netscape Portable Runtime libraries
oniguruma-6.6.1A regular expression library
oniguruma-6.9.8A regular expression library
openjpeg-1.5.1A JPEG 2000 library
openjpeg-1.5.2A JPEG 2000 library
openssl-1.0.2lCryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS
openssl-1.0.2pCryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS
openssl-1.0.2uCryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS
openssl-3.0.15Cryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS
osalp-0.7.1The Open Source Audio Library Project
outline-0.1aThe Outline and Handle widget set
p11_kit-0.20.1Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules
p11_kit-0.23.2Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules
p11_kit-0.23.21Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules
p11_kit-0.25.5Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules
plib-1.4.2Portable Software using Portable Libraries
poppler-0.24.5A PDF rendering library
poppler-0.57.0A PDF rendering library
popt-1.16Command line option parsing library
popt-1.19Command line option parsing library
qdbm-1.8.77Routines for managing a database
qt-3.0.5A cross-platform C++ GUI application framework
slang-2.2.4A multi-platform programmer's library
slang-2.3.1aA multi-platform programmer's library
slang-2.3.2A multi-platform programmer's library
slang-2.3.3A multi-platform programmer's library
smpeg-0.4.5SDL MPEG player library
snmp-1.14Simple Network Management Protocol Library
snprintf-2.2A portable implementation of snprintf species
spinbox-1.5Spinbox is an extensible data selection widget
sqlite-3.26.0SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine
sqlite-3.46.1SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine
sqlite-3.47.0SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine
sqlite-3.47.1SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine
sqlite-3.47.2SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine
sqlite-3.48.0SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine
sqlite-3.49.0SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine
sqlite-3.8.2SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine
t1lib-5.1.2Library to generate bitmaps from Adobe (TM) Type 1 fonts
termcap-1.3.1Application programmer interface to the termcap data base
tinyxml-2.6.2A simple minimal C++ XML parser
unac-1.5.0A C library to remove accents from a string
unbound-1.12.0A validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver
unbound-1.22.0A validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver
xerces_c-3.2.3Validating XML parser written in C++
xerces_c-3.3.0Validating XML parser written in C++