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                                 Frink 2.2

   The   latest  version  of  Frink  is  always  available  by  ftp  from in the /pub directory:

   Frink  is  a  tcl formatting and static check program. It can prettify
   your program, minimise, obfuscate or just sanity check it. It can also
   do some rewriting.

   If  you  want  to just check the program without formatting use the -J
   flag.  This  causes all the heuristics to be applied but no tcl output
   generated.  If  you  add  the -U flag then you get some extra hardline
   checking.  Please  note that at the moment some of the heuristics will
   only work correctly when the -J flag is used.

   You  pass  it  filenames (or the stdin) and the output is generated to
   stdout. There are a variety of options you can pass in :

          add spaces after {} and "" when processing -command. (default =

          turn OFF special processing of expr commands.

          add braces (see manual page for details) (default = OFF)

          turn OFF processing code passed to the bind command.

   -c <n>
          set further indent for continuations to n. default = 2

          remove braces in certain (safe) circumstances (default = OFF)

          produce "else". default = OFF

          extract constant strings. (not implemented yet)

          rewrite some strings to use msgcat

          selectively  control  which  heuristics are used. Currently the
          parameter   is   a  single  hex  coded  number  with  each  bit
          representing  a  test.  If you prefix the bitstring with ! then
          the  negation of the value is used. The values you need to know

          00001 append parameter testing
          00002 lappend parameter testing
          00004 set parameter testing
          00008 regexp parameter testing
          00010 return checks
          00020 check for : or ::: in names
          00040 expr checks
          00080 foreach var checking.
          00100 check missing parameters
          00200 check -switches on commands (*not* tk options!!)
          00400 check for abbreviations of options
          00800 check for unused variables
          01000 check for bad name choice
          02000 check for array usage
          04000 check for possible name errors

          indent switch cases. default = OFF

          print information about options.

          turn on heuristic tests and warnings. (default = OFF)

   -i <n>
          set indent for each level to n. default = 4

          Treat elseif and else the same way. (default = OFF)

          remove non-essential blank lines. (default = OFF)

          Just do checks, no output. (default = OFF)

          remove non-essential braces. (default = OFF)

   -K <f>
          Specify file of extra code specs (see [2]below for details).

          try for one-liners

          minimise the code by removing redundant spacing. default = OFF

          Warn about switch statements with no --. (default = OFF)

          do not generate tab characters. default = OFF

          do not put a newline out before elseif. default = OFF

          obfuscate : default = OFF

   -O <t>
          Don't format lines starting with token "t"

   -p <v>
          If  v is a number produce that many blank lines after each proc
          definition,   otherwise   produce   whatever  format  the  code
          indicates. No codes are defined yet..... (default = do nothing)

          Turn off processing of "time" command (default = OFF)

          Add  spaces  round  the  conditions in if and while statements.
          (default = OFF)

          warn  about unquoted constants - not fully operational (default
          = OFF)

          remove comments. default = OFF

   -s <c>
          format  according  to  style  name "c". (no style names defined

          Stop preserving end of line comments. default = OFF

   -t <n>
          set tabs every n characters.

          produce "then". default = OFF

          Safe to remove brackets from round elseif conditions. default =

          Hardline checking enabled. Will be strict about presence of --.
          Complains  about  switches  with  no default. Complains about 1
          used without brackets in while/for condition. default = OFF

          put { } round variable names where appropriate.

          The current version number

   -w <n>
          set line length. default = 80

          halt on warning.

          produce "xf style" continuations

          recognise tclX features

          Don't process -command (default = OFF)

          Try to process dynamic code (default = OFF)

          Put a single space before the \ character on continuations.

          Control heuristics that are tested. (-H turns on ALL tests

   Please  try  it  and let me know how else you would like to be able to
   tailor the output. (And all the bugs you find as well) Currently it is
   geared  very  much  towards  the  style  of tcl programming that I use

   Obfuscation  is  not  particularly sophisticated yet. In particular it
   can  be  (in  most  cases)  reversed by running the obfuscated program
   through frink again!

   Frink  uses  quite  a few heuristics (i.e. a bunch of ad hoc hacks) to
   improve  both formatting and minimisation. In some obscure cases these
   may  burn  you.  Please let me know of any cases you find. Suggestions
   for new heuristics are always welcome.

   Currently  frink  supports  straightforward  tcl  (it  doesn't do case
   either),  tclX  and  [incr  tcl]  1.0. N.B. frink assumes that you are
   running  it  over  a correct tcl program. If this is not the case then
   all  bets  are off! There are some constructions possible in tcl where
   it  is  impossible  to  determine  the  correct  formatting  except at
   runtime. If you use these, sorry, but frink can't help you.

   Comment handling is not brilliant - suggestions are welcome for how it
   could be improved.....

Embedded Control

   You can control frink's actions using embedded comments, thusly:
      # FRINK: nocheck
      set $b ffff

   will  cause  the warning that the heuristic tests would generate to be
   silenced  for  the  next  line. You can substitute the word PRAGMA for
   FRINK if you so wish. (Currently they need to be in upper case - I may
   allow  lower  case  as  well in the future). The options available are

          don't do any heuristic checks on the next line

          don't try to do any clever formatting of the next line

          this  section  of  the  code is never reached. This is probably
          redundant  now  that  frink detects unreachable code itself. It
          will probably vanish in a future release.

          used  before  a  return  not nested in a proc will suppress the
          usage warning.

   This must be followed by a sequence of variable names. These will all
          be marked as being set. This stops reports of 'used before

          This  must  be  followed  by a sequence of variable names. This
          will stop the variables being reported as unused.

          This  must  be  followed  by a sequence of variable names. This
          will mark the names as referring to arrays.

   restrictions (which will probably be lifted soon):
     * the options must be in lower case


   Frink  will try to detect the cases where you use the options -text or
   -label  and  can  rewrite  the  string  passed  in  to use the message
   catalogue. Thus

   label .foo -text "This is an example"

   would become

   label .foo -text [::msgcat::mc "This is an example"]

   If Frink detects the the string is already of the form

   [::msgcat::mc ......]

   then  it  does  not  rewrite. N.B. Frink does not generate the package
   require msgcat statement for you!!!!


   Frink applies a variety of heuristics to the tcl code to try to detect
   possible errors. Note that sometimes the things that it points out are
   not  in  fact  incorrect.  At  the  moment  the  checks it does are as
    1. detects if certain commands are used without parameters.
    2. checks  that  the  correct values are passed through as options to
       built  in  commands (e.g. string, interp etc.) N.B. Frink does not
       let  you  abbreviate the options as tcl does - this is intentional
       as  it is a poor programing practice for several reasons. (I might
       implement a flag that allows this in the future though)
    3. detects  certain  cases  where  too many or too few parameters are
    4. detects "\ " at the end of a line (bad continuation usually).
    5. detects missing }, ] and ".
    6. detects   when  non-constant  strings  are  passed  as  the  first
       parameter to set, append and lappend. Also checks other statements
       where variable names are expected (global, unset etc.)
    7. detects  variable  names  with  single or more than two sequential
       colons in them.
    8. detects exprs where the expression is not braced.
    9. detects some missing ) cases.
   10. detects  break  not  used  in a bind or in a loop, and return used
       outside a proc
   11. detects  where  return  is used inconsistently (i.e. sometimes you
       return  a  result, sometimes not). Picks up missing returns at end
       of procs that return results too.
   12. checks nested foreach statements to see if variables get reused.
   13. checks for possible -switch problems

   I  have other heuristic tests planned, and if you have any suggestions
   for tests I can implement please let me know.

  Extending the analysis

   The  -K  flag allows you to specify a file that describes new commands
   to  Frink  so  that  it can format/check them correctly. The syntax is
   very simple.
    1. comment lines start with a #
    2. blank lines are ignored
    3. definition  lines  start  with  the  name  of  the command and are
       followed  by  a  specification of the parameters. These tell Frink
       what  to  expect  in these positions and what formatting/checks it
       should therefore carry out.

   Here are some specs for commands that you already are familiar with:

   append {var any args}
          append's first parameter is a variable name
          the  second  can  be  anything and this can be followed by 0 or
          more parameters.

   I  am  changing  some  of the internals here so the available features
   change. When they settle down I'll document them fully....


   2. file://localhost/home/nlfm/Working/Frink/README.html#K