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 CSTRINGS(1)                                                     CSTRINGS(1)
                                July 10, 1990

      cstrings -- quick-and-dirty internationalization tool

      cstrings [-c] [-r ranges] [-t template] [-m minlength] files...

      This tool can be used to massage input C source so that literal
      strings in it are replaced by generated #define symbols, with the list
      of #defines prepended to the resulting source code. String literals on
      #include and #define lines and in comments are skipped.

      If no filenames are given, standard input is filtered to standard
      output.  If filenames are given (and appropriate write permissions are
      present), each file is replaced by its converted result (the replace
      is done with a link(2), so the program is signal-safe). To avoid
      heartbreak and death threats to the author, it is recommended that you
      not use this feature without looking at the filtered version first to
      ensure that it's what you really want.

      The string argument of a -r option is interpreted as a comma-separated
      list of line numbers or line number ranges to which the string
      filtering is to be limited. A range of the form "<num1>-" is taken to
      signify all lines from line <num1> to EOF; a range of the form "-
      <num2>" signifies all lines from the start of file to line <num2>.
      Additionally, any range or number may be preceded by '!'; this causes
      filtering to be suppressed for the lines designated. If the first
      character of a range option is '!', filtering is assumed initially on
      for all lines, rather than off.

      The -t option sets the template with which string labels are
      generated. The default is "G%05d". The template is sprintf'ed with a
      sequence number as argument.

      The -m option takes a numeric argument, interpreted as a minimum
      length.  All strings less than that size are ignored. Note that this
      minimum length defaults to 3, you must say -m 1 or -m 2 to see all
      short strings.

      The -c option suppresses the normal action and instead causes a list
      of strings that would otherwise be #define-ized (each preceded by its
      line number) to be emitted to stdout. If -c is used with file
      arguments a report with sections headed by file names will be

      The -c option permits you to anticipate the effects of a substitution
      without having to look at the whole source file.

      This tool is best used by doing repeated -c runs, adding to an -r
      argument until you have it down to filtering just the lines you want,
      and then dropping the -c to do the actual conversion. Then you can

                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 19, 2024

 CSTRINGS(1)                                                     CSTRINGS(1)
                                July 10, 1990

      move the list of generated #defines to an appropriate spot with a text

      This program makes no effort to be intelligent about duplicate
      strings.  Also, it doesn't handle quoted quotes within strings.

      Eric S. Raymond <>.  See my WWW home page at for updates and other resources.

                                    - 2 -         Formatted:  April 19, 2024